Jamaican-American exec. spreads awareness about work abroad opportunities

“There’s always opportunity in America and Canada.”
- Kerry Ann Edwards, General Manager, KERG Consulting, LLC

Most working people in the Caribbean are not aware of the vast range of work abroad opportunities available to them, according to a Jamaican-American entrepreneur and business executive Kerry Ann Edwards.

Kerry Ann Edwards KERG Consulting

Kerry Ann Edwards, General Manager, KERG Consulting, LLC.

However, she wants to change that.

Edwards is General Manager of KERG Consulting LLC., a global recruitment immigration consulting firm that has been in operation for the past five years and counting.

“We have quite a few positions opening in the U.S. and we have some positions opening in Canada, so, we’re telling persons from across the Caribbean,” Edwards told Caribbean Employment Services Inc. during a recent interview.

“I’m not just helping my community, because I’m Jamaican; I’m helping persons across the Caribbean community and letting them know that there’s always opportunity in America and Canada.”

Many of those opportunities include attractive compensation packages that offer either temporary or permanent housing and other benefits.

In many cases, Edwards said, all you may be responsible for is airfare.

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    KERG's rapid expansion

    When we last spoke with Edwards, KERG Consulting was operating in a handful of U.S. states and mostly working with employers in hospitality and food & beverage.

    Now, the firm has expanded to working with employers throughout the United States and Canada in just about every professional field.

    “I am totally in every sector; I’m doing recruitment for pilots, I’m doing recruitment for doctors and all the different levels of the PhDs,” Edwards noted.

    Meanwhile, Edwards’ dedication to helping her community, including any and every Caribbean country, remains as strong as ever.


    Continuous support for work abroad

    Caribbean jobs

    Jobseekers are supported from the moment they apply straight through until they receive citizenship. (Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels)

    Edwards and her team of professionals strive to be more than just a consulting service.

    They support applicants from start to finish, starting by helping them find and apply for job opportunities, facilitating interviews, supporting you through visa application, and even suggesting local services such as childcare for applicants who move with their families.

    The relationship continues right up until you achieve citizenship or residency status in the U.S. or Canada, if that is what you choose.

    It starts when an applicant visits the KERG Consulting website and books a consultation with Edwards or a member of her team. From there, you are prompted to provide your resume.

    “When you submit that resume, my team and I sort through them to set up the availability of the jobs that we have,” Edwards told Caribbean Employment.

    This helps save time, Edwards explained, as when you arrive for your consultation, the team is already prepared with a list of potential job opportunities for you to apply for.

    “When you come to us for the consult, you’re getting a full package,” she said.

    If you’re interested in job opportunities available through KERG Consulting, visit them at https://www.kergconsulting.com/ or connect with them on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krvimmigration

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerry-ann-edwards-80939344/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamkedwards

    WhatsApp: 786-617-5124

    Find the latest jobs in the Caribbean via Caribbean Employment Services Inc.

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