Tag Archives: jobs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Formal jobs on the upswing in SVG

KINGSTOWN, ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES — A new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has found that formal jobs in St. Vincent & the Grenadines are on a sharp incline after the COVID-19 pandemic. This marked improvement is particularly noteworthy as many other Caribbean countries continue to struggle with informal employment, which international…
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CARICOM seeks to implement full CSME this year

Full movement of skilled workers expected to create job opportunities in participating Member States. BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS — The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is seeking to fully implement the long-awaited Single Market and Economy (CSME) programme by the end of the first quarter of 2024. [caption id="attachment_7132" align="alignleft" width="492"] CSME is expected to create new job opportunities.…
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Caribbean Employment Services Inc. is helping businesses struggling to hire — for free

For a limited time, Caribbean businesses can post their job vacancy and tap into a leading recruitment firm’s wide pool of top candidates free of charge Caribbean employers that have been struggling to find the right human capital to fit their business needs could be in for the breakthrough they’ve been waiting for as a…
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Report: Employers struggle to hire skilled workers in the Caribbean

World Bank says many workers are underskilled for jobs in the Caribbean BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS — Employers are having a hard time filling a growing demand for skilled workers in the Caribbean, according to a new report released by the World Bank. This is largely due to the ongoing skills gap in the region, which has…
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